Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
World Congress on Fetal and Maternal Medicine, will be organized around the theme “A New Beginning on Fetal, Maternal & Neonatal Medicine”
Fetal and Maternal Medicine 2018 is comprised of 16 tracks and 123 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Fetal and Maternal Medicine 2018.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Pregnancy and birth are as ordinary and extraordinary as breathing, thinking or loving and both call on an individual’s creativity, flexibility, endurance and humor. It is normal for your healthy, growing fetus to move frequently. You will usually feel your baby’s first movements after 20 weeks for your first pregnancy or 16 weeks for pregnancies after that. Fetal movements will usually become more regular after 24 weeks.
Pregnancy, also known as gestation, is the time during which one or more offspring develops inside a woman. A multiple pregnancy involves more than one offspring, such as with twins. Pregnancy can occur by sexual intercourse or assisted reproductive technology. Childbirth typically occurs around 40 weeks from the last menstrual period (LMP). This is just over nine months, where each month averages 29½ days. When measured from conception it is about 38 weeks. An embryo is the developing offspring during the first eight weeks following conception, after which, the term fetus is used until birth. Symptoms of early pregnancy may include missed periods, tender breasts, nausea and vomiting, hunger, and frequent urination. Pregnancy may be confirmed with a pregnancy test.
- Track 1-1Cervical incompetence
- Track 1-2Monitoring and Exit Procedure
- Track 1-3Thrombophilia in pregnancy
- Track 1-4Prenatal Medical Care
- Track 1-5Maternal and perinatal health
- Track 1-6High Risk OB
- Track 1-7Safe motherhood and newborn health
- Track 1-8Midwifery Pregnancy
- Track 1-9Midwifery Childbirth
- Track 1-10Midwifery Medical Specialty
- Track 1-11Obstetric Complications
- Track 1-12Breastfeeding
- Track 1-13Postpartum Haemorrhage
- Track 1-14Bleeding in pregnancy
- Track 1-15HIV and pregnancy
- Track 1-16Advanced maternal age
Gynecology is the medical practice dealing with the health of the female reproductive systems (vagina, uterus, and ovaries) and the breasts. Outside medicine, the term means "the science of women". Its counterpart is andrology, which deals with medical issues specific to the male reproductive system. Almost all modern gynecologists are also obstetricians (see obstetrics and gynecology). In many areas, the specialties of gynecology and obstetrics overlap.
Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynaecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN) which is a surgical field.
- Track 2-1Advances in Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Track 2-2Recent Advances in Medical and Surgical Management
- Track 2-3Pregnancy Care and Delivery
- Track 2-4Endocrinology of Pregnancy
- Track 2-5Urologic and Gynecologic Disorders
- Track 2-6Medical & Coagulation disorders in pregnancy
- Track 2-7Molecular genetics in obstetrics and gynaecology
- Track 2-8Transplantation in gynaecological surgery   Â
- Track 2-9Recent Advances in Gynecology
Uterine fibroids are a very common finding in women of reproductive age. The majority of fibroids do not change their size during pregnancy, but one-third may grow in the first trimester. Although the data are conflicting and most women with fibroids have uneventful pregnancies, the weight of evidence in the literature suggests that uterine fibroids are associated with an increased rate of spontaneous miscarriage, preterm labor, placenta abruption, malpresentation, labor dystocia, cesarean delivery, and postpartum hemorrhage. A fibroid tumor, also known as leiomyoma or myoma, is a mass of compacted muscle and fibrous tissue that grows on the wall (or sometimes on the outside) of the uterus. It can be as small as a pea or as large as a grapefruit. Fibroid tumors occur in 50 to 80 percent of women.
- Track 3-1Fibroids in Pregnancy
- Track 3-2Multiple Gestations
- Track 3-3Fetal Growth Restriction
- Track 3-4Sex and Sexuality
- Track 3-5Healthy Pregnancy
- Track 3-6Medicated Intrauterine Devices
- Track 3-7Human Fetal Endocrines
Maternal-fetal medicine is a vast topic and is professional in gynecology and the Nymber of Research institutes working on the Maternal-fetal medicine are approximately 33 or more and as well as some universities which are giving training to women to be Professionals in Maternal-fetal medicine , total number of universities offering this promising topic are approximately 160 working on Maternal-fetal medicine and there is also a funding of around $30000- $50000 and Academia 30% , 20% industry and Others 50% are included in this topic. As discussed in many gynecologic conferences and gynecologic meetings worldwide, Maternal-fetal medicine is a branch of obstetrics which emphasize on medical and surgical management of high-risk pregnancy cases. Management include monitoring and treatment and comprehensive ultrasound, chorionic villus sampling, genetic amniocentesis and fetal surgery/treatment. Obstetricians who are practicing maternal-fetal medicine are also called as primatologists. This is a sub-specialty of obstetrics and gynecology which is mainly used for patients with high risk pregnancies. Obstetric medicine is a meticulously related specialty that focuses on the care of medical problems in pregnancy.
- Track 4-1Pre-Pregnancy Underweight and Fetal Growth
- Track 4-2Pregnancy Termination Practice
- Track 4-3Signalling, Status and Inequities in Maternal Healthcare
- Track 4-4Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Track 4-5Sexual medicine
- Track 4-6Individualised medicine
Prenatal diagnosis has revolutionized prenatal care from the perspective of both the patient and the physician. For the patient, prenatal diagnosis provides genetic, anatomic, and physiologic information about the fetus or fetuses that can be used to make informed and individualized decisions regarding the pregnancy. For the physician, prenatal diagnosis provides vital information that can be utilized for better antepartum management. Information regarding specific anatomic anomalies affords the physician the opportunity to offer the patient sophisticated prenatal procedures, such as fetal surgery or selective fetal reduction in multiple gestations. Likewise, prenatal knowledge about genetic, physiologic, and/or anatomic abnormalities enables the physician to tailor or manage the timing and mode of delivery for optimal maternal and fetal outcomes. Prenatal diagnosis also allows the neonatal and pediatric specialists to be adequately prepared for a potentially ill neonate at delivery. Recent progress in the fields of maternal fetal medicine, radiology, and genetics has resulted in great advances in prenatal diagnosis.
- Track 5-1Prenatal diagnosis
- Track 5-2Health economics in maternal-fetal and neonatal medicine
- Track 5-3Maternal Fetal Medicine Practice & Procedures
- Track 5-4Fetal Blood Sampling
- Track 5-5Fetal echocardiography
Fetal surgery (surgery performed on a pregnant mother to help her baby before it is born) can occur either during the middle of pregnancy or at the end of the pregnancy. In all cases, anesthesiologists are involved to provide for the comfort and safety of pregnant mothers and their babies. Fetal surgery pushes the limits of knowledge and therapy beyond conventional paradigms by treating the developing fetus as a patient. Providing anesthesia for fetal surgery is challenging for many reasons. It requires integration of both obstetric and pediatric anesthesia practice.
Fetal surgery and anesthesia for fetal surgery are branches of obstetric anesthesia. This form of anesthesia is complicated because anesthetic care is being provided for two patients, mother and fetus simultaneously. The mother of the fetus is essentially being used as a life support system for the fetus, permitting a major fetal surgical intervention that would otherwise place the fetus at an increased risk for morbidity or mortality.
- Track 6-1Fetal Surgery
- Track 6-2Fetal therapy & Hydrops
- Track 6-3Fetal Hydrothorax
- Track 6-4Fetal Tracheal Balloon Occlusion
- Track 6-5Fetal medicine
- Track 6-6Fetal Growth Restriction
- Track 6-7Surgical Issues
- Track 6-8Fetal Cardiac Defects
- Track 6-9Fetal Stress Response
Pregnancy can be a worrisome time for some parents-to-be. You may find yourself wondering daily about your baby's prenatal health, happiness, and development. Genetic disorders are often of special concern to many expectant couples. Genetic disorders can put your baby at risk for slow mental and physical development, physical defects, and lifelong illnesses. However, new screening tests are now available to help detect these genetic disorders before your baby is born. These can help to ensure that your baby receives the appropriate medical attention and treatment after birth.
Some genetic disorders are hereditary. Parents can sometimes carry a defective gene inside of their DNA. When two parents with the same defective gene conceive a child together, their baby will also be born with this defective gene. This can sometimes result in a genetic disorder. While chromosomal disorders can be hereditary, they can also develop after fertilization, as the embryo splits during development.
- Track 7-1Downs Syndrome
- Track 7-2Sickle Cell Anemia
- Track 7-3Tay-Sachs Disease
- Track 7-4Phenylketonuria (PKU)
- Track 7-5Fragile X Syndrome
- Track 7-6Testing for Genetic Diseases
- Track 7-7Spina Bifida
The heart is the first organ to develop in your unborn baby, and is the most important to his or her lifetime of health. We’re here to help understand exactly how your baby’s heart is growing, and to partner with you, your obstetrician and a diverse care team to support your baby’s unique needs before, during and after birth. Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) may be identified during fetal life with a very high level of diagnostic accuracy at tertiary centers with an established fetal cardiology programme. For some forms of cardiac abnormality there may be an improvement in postnatal outcome with prenatal diagnosis. Furthermore, early diagnosis during pregnancy will allow parents to consider various options and be prepared for subsequent treatments. In order to deliver a comprehensive high quality service, fetal cardiology units should provide appropriate support and information (before and after the fetal heart examination) and liaise with all relevant specialists and support services, in addition to the essential task of providing an accurate cardiac diagnosis.
- Track 8-1Fetal Cardiovascular Physiology
- Track 8-2Anomalies of Venous System
- Track 8-3Fetal Bradyarrhythmia’s
- Track 8-4Fetal Tachyarrhythmia’s
- Track 8-5Fetal Cardiac Intervention
- Track 8-6Prenatal Ultrasound
- Track 8-7Placental Dysfunction
- Track 8-8Transesophageal Echo, Fetal Echo
The foundation of your baby’s intelligence is being built while he is still a fetus. This stage of your baby’s life is very critical because this is where the raw materials of his intelligence and personality are being formed. Fetal brain development has long lasting effect on your baby’s personality. Congenital malformations, premature delivery and many other conditions have a serious effect on your infant’s future and quality of life. You should be aware of factors that can have an effect on your baby’s prenatal development, and avoid those that can be avoided.
The brain grows at a remarkably rapid rate. By the end of the third week of gestation, the embryo has formed the three parts of the brain (the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain). One week later, the brain begins functioning. At this point, the brain busily begins to work on the placement of all the major organs and systems. By the end of the eighth week of pregnancy, all of the major organs are in place, according to the Long Island Spectrum Center website.
- Track 9-1General brain development
- Track 9-2Prenatal Development
- Track 9-3Postnatal Development
- Track 9-4Preterm labor and birthÂ
- Track 9-5Carcinoma of the Cervix
Over 60% of twins and nearly all higher-order multiples are premature (born before 37 weeks). The higher the number of fetuses in the pregnancy, the greater the risk for early birth. Premature babies are born before their bodies and organ systems have completely matured. These babies are often small, with low birthweights (less than 2,500 grams or 5.5 pounds), and they may need help breathing, eating, fighting infection, and staying warm. Very premature babies, those born before 28 weeks, are especially vulnerable. Many of their organs may not be ready for life outside the mother's uterus and may be too immature to function well. Many multiple birth babies will need care in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
Women with multiple fetuses are more than twice as likely to develop high blood pressure of pregnancy. This condition often develops earlier and is more severe than pregnancy with one baby. It can also increase the chance of placental abruption (early detachment of the placenta). Anemia is more than twice as common in multiple pregnancies as in a single birth. Multiple birth babies have about twice the risk of congenital (present at birth) abnormalities including neural tube defects (like spina bifida), gastrointestinal, and heart abnormalities. A phenomenon called the vanishing twin syndrome in which more than 1 fetus is diagnosed, but vanishes (or is miscarried), usually in the first trimester, is more likely in multiple pregnancies. This may or may not be accompanied by bleeding. The risk of pregnancy loss is increased in later trimesters as well.
Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is a condition of the placenta that develops only with identical twins that share a placenta. Blood vessels connect within the placenta and divert blood from one fetus to the other. It happens in about 15% of twins with a shared placenta.
- Track 10-1High risk pregnancy care
- Track 10-2Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome
- Track 10-3Fetal transfusion syndrome
- Track 10-4Gestational diabetes
- Track 10-5High blood pressure and preeclampsia.
- Track 10-6Cesarean delivery
- Track 10-7Prenatal and postnatal effects on health
Pertaining to the newborn period, specifically the first 4 weeks after birth. The branch Neonatology assumes a noteworthy part of the Pediatric children infections conditions, this incorporate the medical health condition of babies and kids. The pediatrics is a training which is hospital based. This will mainly carried out in intensive neonatal care units. The key part done by the Pediatric perinatology which manages the embryo and the entangled wellbeing circumstances amid incubation period which found in pediatrics Neonatology.
The Section of Neonatology is committed to maintaining the highest quality of neonatal care to critically-ill infants, providing training for qualified pediatricians for careers as independent investigators, teachers and clinicians, and promoting high research productivity to contribute in the creation of new knowledge and patient-oriented research studies to improve clinical care.
- Track 11-1Neonatal Diseases and disorders
- Track 11-2Infant respiratory distress syndrome
- Track 11-3Neonatal tetanus
- Track 11-4Neonattal syndrome
- Track 11-5Neonatal Neurology
- Track 11-6Intrauterine growth restriction
- Track 11-7Breast feeding in Neonates
- Track 11-8Neonatal Jaundice
Nursing care is focused on the assessment, diagnosis, planning, treatment and evaluation of preoperative and post- operative surgical patients with emphasis on Cardiovascular Surgery and Cardiac ICU care including rhythm interpretation, hemodynamics, airway management, pain management, medication management, safety precautions, patient/family education and support, and initiation of the rehabilitation process. Registered nurses in CICU meet the basic requirements for Registered Nurse staff, and function in accordance with the nursing department job description, as described in the Hospital Plan for Nursing Care. Additional unit requirements for registered nurses include temporary epicardial pacing, open cardiac arrest management, PA catheter removal, Pleural chest tube removal (selected nurses) external cardiac defibrillation, CRRT (selected nurses) and VAD(selected nurses).
Prenatal care, also known as antenatal care is a type of preventive healthcare, with the goal of providing regular check-ups that allow doctors or midwives to treat and prevent potential health problems throughout the course of the pregnancy while promoting healthy lifestyles that benefit both mother and child. During check-ups, pregnant women will receive medical information over maternal physiological changes in pregnancy, biological changes, and prenatal nutrition including prenatal vitamins.
- Track 12-1Nursing management
- Track 12-2Maternity & new born nurshing
- Track 12-3Neonatal Care
- Track 12-4Prenatal Care
- Track 12-5Cardiac Intensive Care Nursing
- Track 12-6Psychiatric NursingÂ
A birth defect is a problem that happens while a baby is developing in the mother's body. Most birth defects happen during the first 3 months of pregnancy. A birth defect may affect how the body looks, works or both. Some birth defects like cleft lip or neural tube defects are structural problems that can be easy to see. To find others, like heart defects, doctors use special tests. Birth defects can vary from mild to severe. Some result from exposures to medicines or chemicals. For example, alcohol abuse can cause fetal alcohol syndrome. Infections during pregnancy can also result in birth defects. For most birth defects, the cause is unknown. Some birth defects can be prevented. Taking folic acid can help prevent some birth defects. Babies with birth defects may need surgery or other medical treatments.
If a baby is born with a part of the body that is missing or malformed, it is called a structural birth defect. Heart defects are the most common type of structural defect. Others include spina bifida, cleft palate, clubfoot, and congenital dislocated hip.
- Track 13-1Fetal and neonatal growth restriction
- Track 13-2Normal and abnormal fetal growth
- Track 13-3High Tech Neonatology
- Track 13-4Infections – Congenital, Early and Late Onset
- Track 13-5Fetal and Neonatal Issues
- Track 13-6Maternal & fetal genes
Bacterial infections can affect pregnant women from implantation of the fertilized ovum through the time of delivery and peripartum period. They may also affect the fetus and newborn. Many women with these infections are asymptomatic, necessitating both a high degree of clinical awareness and adequate screening. Yeast infections during pregnancy are more common than any other time in a woman’s life, especially during the second trimester of pregnancy. You may be noticing an increase in the amount of thin, white, odd smelling discharge. This is common and a normal symptom in the second trimester.
Catching infections while you are pregnant can be somewhat alarming as your baby can be exposed to risks and vulnerabilities. During pregnancy your immunity system is weaker than usual which makes you more susceptible for contracting infections, plus the body does not produce enough antibodies to fight the infection. Having said that, we must stress that all infections or health issues during pregnancy are not always serious such as if you are having common cold, morning sickness, fatigue and tiredness etc.
- Track 14-1Bacterial Vaginosis
- Track 14-2Cytomegalovirus
- Track 14-3Hepatitis B virus
- Track 14-4Influenza & Listeriosis
- Track 14-5Sexually transmitted infection
- Track 14-6Toxoplasmosis
- Track 14-7Urinary tract infection
- Track 14-8Yeast infection
- Track 14-9Zika Virus
Midwifery, also known as obstetrics, is the health profession that deals with the specialization in pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period (including care of the new-born), besides reproductive and sexual health of women throughout their lives. A professional in midwifery is called as a midwife. Midwives are the community of midwifes who actually take care of the women bearing a child with help of consultants and referrals. The actual duty of the midwife is to look after a pregnant women and her baby throughout the antenatal period, during labour and child birth.
Even the healthiest women can have pregnancy problems but taking steps towards a healthy lifestyle can increase your chances of having a healthy pregnancy. Good food, a level of physical activity, relaxation and reduced stress all provide the best conditions for your health and therefore your pregnancy, your fetus and your birth experience. Your goals can be simple and need to be achievable. Eating a nutritious diet during pregnancy is linked to good fetal brain development, a healthy birth weight, and it reduces the risk of many birth defects. A balanced diet will also reduce the risks of anemia, as well as other unpleasant pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue and morning sickness. Good nutrition is thought to help balance mood swings and it may improve labor and delivery as well.
- Track 15-1Midwifery Health Science
- Track 15-2Midwifery Pregnancy
- Track 15-3Midwifery Childbirth
- Track 15-4Breastfeeding
- Track 16-1Fetal Growth Restriction
- Track 16-2Advances in fetal therapy
- Track 16-3Fetal-Maternal Tolerance
- Track 16-4 Effect of Maternal stress on Fetal growth
- Track 16-5Maternal Pharmacokinetics